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Ranks in Air Force

In Indian Air Force the topmost officer is called the air-chief marshal. He is assisted by a team of subordinate officers. The following is the list of officers arranged hierarchically.

The Highest post in the Air Force is that of the Marshal which is conferred only by the President Of India only to the officers of exceptional achievements. Arjan Singh is the only officer who has earned this prestigious position.

Indian Air Force has had in the past some of the most daring of the officers. Just after Independence Indian Air Force had some foreigners as its chief but in the year I954 after 22 years of its formation the Indian Air Force had the first Indian as its chief, Subroto Mukherjee . There were other officers like Arjan Singh who was the first chief to lead the country into war . He took the country through the war process during the war in September 1965.

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