Jharkhand Information

Jharkhand information could prove to be extremely valuable to the residents of Jharkhand or the guests hailing from the different parts of the nation. As a matter of fact, an individual needs to possess at least some degree of Jharkhand information before he embarks upon a journey to the state so that he remains prepared to face all sorts of emergencies.

Information on Jharkhand is a must for individuals of practically all ages. In fact, information about Jharkhand could help an individual to combat situations like abrupt power cuts, unprecedented accidents, theft, sudden illness, pickpocket, need for blood and many other health related problems.

Various telephone numbers belonging to police stations, hospitals, blood banks, electricity technicians, ambulance, and fire brigade form an integral wing of information on Jharkhand.

Contact details of some of the important service providers in Jharkhand are given below:-


Police Stations:

Blood Banks:

Ambulance Services:

Nursing Homes:

Jharkhand Police

Ever since the birth of the state of Jharkhand, Jharkhand Police have stretched forth their hand towards the residents of Jharkhand in case they have any vexation or their fundamental rights are getting violated by some means and more often not solved the problem with ease.

But the circumstances were entirely different immediately after the state was carved out of Bihar. Jharkhand Police had a combined state of seven battalions in all, which was, needless to mention, not up to the standards.

But, the police of Jharkhand did not lose its focus and did their utmost to minimize crime in their own humble way. As a matter of fact, the police at Jharkhand put up an inspiring act as they got hold of the culprits and brought them to trial in front of the court of law.

Soon, the police in Jharkhand was strengthened by the much anticipated addition of two more battalions with a female battalion soon to enter the arena of Jharkhand. The Government had also resolved that they would also procure all sorts of facilities to the police department as far as vehicle, buildings, firearms and other related stuff are concerned. This refurbishment of the infrastructure of the police had further augmented their power and made them more technically sound.