Bihar at a Glance

The location of Bihar at a glance is that it is situated in the eastern part of India. It is land-locked on all sides. The outlet to Bay of Bengal through Kolkata port is not far away. Bihar is located between the sub-humid Uttar Pradesh in the west and the humid West Bengal in the east. Therefore, it has a transitional climate. It is bordered by Nepal in the north and Jharkhand in the south. River Ganges flows west to east through the middle of the state, dividing the Bihar plain into two unequal halves. Some quick facts about Bihar are given below:

Location of Bihar at a Glance:

Latitude: 21°-58'-10" to 27°-31'-15" N

Longitude: 82°-19'-50" to 88°-17'-40" E

Total Area: 94,163.00 square kilometer

Climate of Bihar at a Glance:

Maximum Temperature: 40-450 C

Minimum Temperature: 5-100 C

Average Annual Rainfall: 1,205 millimeter

Capital: Patna

Population: 82,878,796

Languages: Hindi, Magahi, Maithili, Angika, and Bhojpuri

Religions: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism

Best Time to Visit: October to March

Population: 8,28,78,796

Literacy: 3,16,75,607

Urban Area: 1,095.49 square kilometer

Rural Area: 92,257.51 square kilometer

Height above Sea-Level:173 feet

Administrative Divisions: 9

Districts: 38

Sub-Divisions: 101

Number of Panchayats: 8,471

Number of Revenue Villages: 45,103

Number of Towns: 130

Number of Police Stations: 853

Transportation of Bihar at a Glance: Its capital city Patna has an airport which is connected by air with Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Lucknow. Katmandu operates regular flights to Patna. Major airlines of India like Indian Airlines and Sahara Airlines operate flights regularly to and from Patna.